Tuesday, August 25, 2015


~~Cool Ass Shades ~~

I hide my vanity and brown eyes behind cool ass shades

Music blaring from my cool ass muscle car


No care in the world



Laughing at my freedom

I turn my head at a stop light to see a scene

It should make me smile

But it makes me cry

My mood saddened

No longer enjoying the lyrics

That a moment ago gave me joy

The scene?

A poor mother with a child on her lap

Worn out flip flops

Thin t-shirts from too many washes

Wet hair stuck to faces and necks

Sitting at the bus stop shade

On this hot summer day

Waiting for the city bus

Mother leans in to kiss the child’s cheek

Then child reaches out with both hands

To touch Mother’s face and kisses back

The joy and love between both is so magical

It stops my heart

The beauty and grace that I just witness

Stops all noise

No music

No traffic


I am completely deaf

Just my heart breaking

As I continue to drive

With my pretty fluffy hair

My vanity and brown eyes behind cool ass shades

Music blaring

In my cool ass muscle car

I don’t enjoy any of it anymore

Because I will never know the

Pure grace

Of the scene I witnessed at the bus stop

They have more than I will ever have…

© 2015 Photograph and Poetry All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. A reminder for all of us to stay humble. Very good analysis of the situation. Feelings captured accurately.
